Saturday, October 1, 2016

Who Said Pinterest Was Wack ?

Pinterest is a social network that lets you visually share and discover new interests by posting or pinning images and videos to their or even other users boards; a collection of pins that usually share a common theme and looking at what others have pinned. Ben Silbermann is the CEO as well as a founder along with Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. It was started in March 2011. People all over use Pinterest for many different reasons a bookmark, a sources of inspiration, promotion of their own brands, and also to just connect with others. I got started with Pinterest when my friend was telling me about where she got some of her work out exercises from and then I set me up an account and got started. this was many years back (high school days). I have a good variety of boards the range from fashion, projects to try, DIYs, home decoration, food, etc. I love the many different fashion ideas people pin on their, it definitely comes in handy when I'm trying to put an outfit together or if im going for a certain look how I could put it together. The food pins I have are really interesting because I'm one who likes to try different things and Pinterest gives me the ideas on recipes on how to make them. Also my home decoration board is a board that I kind of take serious because i can actually apply these ideas in real life. For example I got ideas on how I wanted to decorate my room for school this year. Overall I really am glad I got put onto Pinterest because it is really a good helpful site. I really don't have anything bad to say about it.

All About Twitter 

Twitter is online social media service that allows you to network with other users. You are able to read and type up a 140 character message which is where the word "tweet" comes from. You are also able to re-tweet, re-share or give credit to someone else for their tweet. You have a news feed, that allows you to see a stream of tweets on your  homepage. With being a twitter user already I feel like twitter is a great site to network and interact with other users. Of course just like any other social media site it has its pros and cons. Some pros that consist of advertising, promoting, publicize, stay informed, news, events, sports, entertainment, quick and easy access, cost effective, recognition, gives everyone a voice, interactive feedback, network, informative, and the mobility and flexibility is great. When it comes to the cons there are a lot of those to but not as many; like the 140- character limit, potential for disinformation, inaccuracy, mischief, media overload, circumvent traditional news media, threat to English language, attention span, credibility issues at times, everything public (or may seem that way). Overall I think Twitter is a great social network to have. You are able to interact with people from all over the world and actually have a voice, specially about a certain topic such a politics, entertainment, and much more. My twitter